Sunday, June 14, 2020

What Is Fake News?

We are in a new dark age of intellectual dishonesty where people seek out opinions they agree with rather than hard truths. I went to college for Communication, News writing and Broadcasting and journalistic integrity has always been of tantamount importance to me as anything when reporting a story. Some people don't know the difference between opinion and fact, sure. But, what's even more horrifying is the amount of people who get fake news from the deepest recesses of the Internet and share them multiple times with no backing or source information. I saw a woman post today a 4chan meme and present it as fact about Black Lives Matter. I saw another that I traced back to a Russian Troll Twitter account. If you don't know the source.. Ask yourself why?! Here're some rules I came up with to help you identify whether or not you are being misled.

#1 Take Care Before you hit Share.

Make sure this is a trusted site and the person that created the news item is properly identified. If it seems to outrageous or "too good" to be true. It probably is. If it's an image (like the rape victim you've been besmirching and claiming she was a victim of George Floyd) do a google image search or check out and do a reverse image search. I'm the case of the rape victim, it took 35 seconds to identify the picture as a fake from a Spanish news article from 2018.

If you've never heard of a website or person reporting, you're not "digging deep" to "find the truth" you're looking for any narrative that will confirm your biases. You are scouring the Internet to confirm your conspiracy theories. Do you really think that you have this incredible ability to find "The truth" that others in your peer group don't have or are you just gullible? If you're so adept at "finding the truth" why can't you take 2 minutes to confirm the story by searching for corroborating evidence?

Does it make sense or does it incense?

I want you to vet your news sites. Fox news has been caught in the last 2 days doctoring images to make the Seattle occupation seem violent. If you think that 'only one news agency is telling the truth" do you maybe think the reason for that is they're the ones doing is misleading? OANN has been caught interviewing people with fake names, making up details and one of OAN's reporters, Kristian Brunovich Rouz, simultaneously works for the Russian propaganda outlet and news agency Sputnik, which is state-owned; when Rouz runs favorable segments on OAN that relate to Russia, OAN does not disclose that he also works for Sputnik. Where are you really getting your information? The Kremlin?

For God's sakes, check your dates.

This is an easy one. Check the date and byline of the story you are sharing. If there is no date or byline, why? If it's unsourced, why? If it's 'something you found by digging', why is it not a bigger story if its true? Many stories and images are published from years ago with false details and fake pictures. The story about George Floyd "pointing a gun at a pregnant woman" not only is her name made up in those stories, there's never been any information that she was pregnant, but this forwards your racist brute caricature for African American men 'coming for your women' this has been being used for hundreds of years to dehumanize African Americans and your unwittingly forwarding this bias that is so deeply ingrained in culture that you don't even realize you buy into it. Fox News posted an image from the May 30 Minneapolis protest and said it happened a few days ago in Seattle. Why? Because the truth wasn't juicy enough. A bunch of hippies hanging out bbqing vegan burgers isn't scary enough.

Take note, who wrote?

Is this story anonymous? Is it from a private website? Is it from Facebook or Twitter? What is the source? If there is no author or the author is a random Facebook page, why are you allowing them to control your narrative? Who are they? I mentioned before the BLM post I debunked. When I found the author, it came from a 4Chan uses that was trying to troll and trick people. Chain of evidence. It went from 4Chan, to a probably Russian troll on Twitter, then shared by these 'deep digging Conservative "news" sites' then you shared it. A lot of these fake posts are complicit in inciting violence and should be held accountable for the equivalent of shouting FIRE in a crowded theater.

Is it contradiction or Fiction?

The Fox news pic of the man with an assault weapon at the Seattle protest that was doctored comes to mind. If what the story is saying contradicts their views, what is the purpose of the story? For example, they gleefully showed armed anti-maskers at the state capitol, yet they show an armed protester at the Seattle protests and its something to fear. It's obvious that the agenda is clear. Us against Them where truth doesn't matter. To make matters worse, the Seattle protest was photoshopped and Fox lied about it twice. How can you trust a news source when this is how they behave? How do you excuse that? Because it's comfortable for you. But news isn't supposed to make you feel comfortable or at peace. It's supposed to be information. What you do with it is up to you.

At last, Is it in all caps?

is the post IN ALL CAPITALS? This is one surefire sign that the person posting is either unhinged or trying to incite. All CAPS is the internet version of yelling. Why do you YELL everything you say? Why can't you have a conversation without getting red-faced angry?

Saturday, June 13, 2020


For you geniuses that don't know the definition of words you use. This is how you identify a Fascist regime. There are 14 key traits by Lawerence Britt of Free Inquiry Magazine and author of the book "Fascism Anyone?" Powerful and Continuing Nationalism Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause Supremacy of the Military Rampant Sexism: The governments of fascist nations tend to be almost exclusively male-dominated. Under fascist regimes, traditional gender roles are made more rigid. Opposition to abortion is high, as is homophobia and anti-gay legislation and national policy. Controlled Mass Media Obsession with National Security Religion and Government are Intertwined Corporate Power is Protected Labor Power is Suppressed Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts Obsession with Crime and Punishment Rampant Cronyism and Corruption Fraudulent Elections Hitler was a fascist. I really worry that some of you don't actually know anything about history. This is from a Smithsonian article from 2019 Nazism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, scientific racism, and the use of eugenics into its creed. Attached is a picture of the fine Woody Guthrie who wrote many anti-hitler songs in the 1940s. Guthrie was also for worker's rights and ending racism. He played with African American musicians on the regular when it was very unpopular to do so.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Spotlighting Baby Bear Cubs

 Proverbs 12:10 The righteous care for the needs of their animals,
but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated" _Gandhi

The question I would raise is.. why? Why do you want to kill baby bears? What good does it serve? Where is your compassion for other living things? If it only serves as 'fun' for you or because you think it's your right to kill anything you want to, what does that say about you?
Gandhi is right on this one, see how the agendas and ideals merge on these posts? You're for police violece, you're anti-protester. You conservatives but anti-conservation, You're pro-1st amendment but the people who are protesting are 'domestic terrorists', You care so much about laws and rules, but damn near lose it when you're told to wear masks to protect others at the grocery store. You support those anrti-maskers protesting, but if it's protesting for equal rights for all you start sweating facism. You worry about idolatry yet If anybody dare mentions that police are human and not universal heros, you can't handle it.

they only thing that you can agree on, whether it be black women or bears asleep in their homes, you want them to be shot.

We do have an epidemic besides Covid in this country. An epidemic of Pride and self-worship, By trying to hang onto little and outdated shards of the past, with this silly idea that "things were better back when I was a boy." They weren't. Not for everyone.

The Kardashev scale is a method of measuring a civilization's level of technological advancement that was proposed by Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev in 1964. Scientists say that it would be very rare for a society to move from a class 1 to a class 2 society.

Many scientists don't think we'll ever reach the next class/type of civilization because we're too keen on killing each other. Until the needless killing for pleasure or erections stops, we're doomed. But what do you care? You're on the back 9 of your lives anyway.

Well, You're leaving a shit-show for your brainwashed kids.

Where is your compassion? "a sympathetic pity and concern for suffering." Why do you care so little for the suffering of others, man or beast?

If you don't have to kill, why do it? For sport. Shooting fish in a barrel isn't sport, it's lack of humanity. Gross.

And don't tell me it's about your rights. You don't care about the rights of others. You applaud when the president's henchmen lob tear gas and flash grenades at peaceful protesters so that he can have a photo-op at a nearby church without having to see the rabble. You don't care about human rights, civil rights or the first amendment. Is it hard to live such a conflicted life or do you get comfort from your rallies, peer groups and prayer groups? You're so tough on the outside but so fragile on the inside. What happened to you?>

Hate is no longer the majority opinion

Supporting racists and victimization by law enforcement is no longer the majority opinion.
I'm ashamed that I've worked at places that have, by turning a blind eye, supported this kind of behavior or outright endorsed it. I do not respect you. And i'm embarrassed by you.
Think on this, friends, people are being fired from their jobs for ignoring the truth and peddling false narratives (either in an attempt to kowtow to bigots in their audience/customer base, afraid or retribution or because they themselves hold these views.)
It's cowardice at best and endorsement at worst.
And let me add, if you're afraid of retribution... then perhaps the reason people are protesting is a just cause. And if you're afraid you'll lose the support of bigots, then what does that make you?
Think on it and search your heart.
They say the tide is turning, but I doubt it is. As soon as you return to your realm of comfort, things'll will go back to the status quo. But maybe, little by little, the erosion of outdated hateful views maybe expose the people for what they are. Scared.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

They say Journalism is dead

Journalism literally means writing for a newspaper or news site. So, the term is apt. You may think unbiased Journalistic objectivity is "dead" but Journalism is still very much alive. And Truth be told, bias in Journalism has been going on as long as there have been newspapers. There would be no America with out Silence Dogood. And his letters were printed in 1722 and he was very much biased. The 1800s were a free for all of so-called "Yellow Journalism" with each paper trying to write the most outrageous story to get readers (reminiscent of click-bait Web sites of the present). The early 1900s were a dumping ground for propganda and racism in newspapers. The mid-to-late 1900s were rife with tabloids. if you don't believe me, I encourage you to go to the Library of Congress Newspaper archive. You can see incredible examples of "fake news" and racist depictions in newspapers of that era. Corporations dictate what type of stories you can report on cable news, commentary is mistaken for fact. "Journalism" isn't dead and never existed in the way you think it did as pure fact. People are inherently biased and that bias will at time leak through into their work. But what is the other option? People suffer from confirmation bias in epidemic proportions. They only seek out information that they agree with. That is where the the real problem lies. Us, shuttering our eyelids to anything that makes us uncomfortable or shoulting "fake news" if it doesn't fit into our narrow world view. Journalism isn't dead, the consumers are just brain dead. So trust this ol' newspaper man. I may not always tell the truth, but I always try to - That Dickie Dales.

Journalism makes you think fast. You have to speak to people in all walks of life. Especially local journalism. - Terry Pratchett (Author, Humorist)

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

S*** The Alt-White Say

Triggered alt-white people be like:

Monday, June 08, 2020

Abraham LinkdIn Didn't Die in a Fire

hey fact check. bunch of people are sharing a story about a bust of Abraham Lincoln Lincoln being burned it a protest. fact check. story happened in 2017. No suspects. No motives. The people that are sharing it are At best: easily led At Worst trying to peddle a false narrative to increase the divide. I see several posts saying things like "They should love Lincoln. Lincoln freed the slaves." You guys are nuts and lazy if you can't click the article and read the dateline.

I am...for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the constitution to silence by force

I've been told that it's "too controversial" to give an opinion on the 'aggressive behavior' of the law enforcement during these protests, but consequences are only consequential if you give a damn or As Benjamin Franklin wrote: If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed. George Washington wrote: If men are to be precluded from offering their sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences that can invite the consideration of mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of speech may be taken away, and dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the slaughter. Is that the world we live in today?? Either way though, But, man. When you mess with the press, King George, you mess with the first and most important source of checks and balances in free speech. Just like not all protesters are rioters, not all cops are violent, however, you should all be outraged by the targeting of the press both foriegn and domestic. if these numbers are accurate, this is a real problem that needs to be addressed. As John Adams said: The liberty of the press is essential to the security of the state. But none of the means of information are more sacred, or have been cherished with more tenderness and care by the settlers of America, than the press Like Thomas Jefferson wrote: I am...for freedom of the press, and against all violations of the constitution to silence by force and not by reason the complaints or criticisms, just or unjust, of our citizens against the conduct of their agents. Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter What kills me the amount of people that think this is good. That that gassing reporters and photographers is just desserts. Being a member of the press for many years, I can tell you that your radicalized view of people in news is false. Just like "not all cops are killers" — Not all reporters are biased. They value being able to be an unbiased source of news. Or as Puck would say to be the light that the corrupt hate but can not escape. This is extremely dark and worrying that this behavior took place. Even once is too often. But what is more worrying are the people that rush to the defense of individuals that use a steel baton on the back of the head of a female reporter from Australia. If all you can see in this time of unrest is "we hate cops" then I challenge you to take off the blue colored glasses and take a look at what really happened and is happening and what it means for our people. The press is sacred. They make mistakes. There are news agencies that peddle false narrative to forward political agendas. Where are their checks and balances? It's you, friends. You have to use your brains to be able to find the truth instead of blindly following what makes you comfortable. You should never be so indoctirnated or fearful that you shoud think silencing the press is a good idea. William F. Buckley wrote: We are so concerned to flatter the majority that we lose sight of how very often it is necessary, in order to preserve freedom for the minority, let alone for the individual, to face that majority down - Motherfucking Dickie Dales x

Sunday, June 07, 2020

The Fallacy of Instant Karma (Spoiler: It's not gonna getcha)

Instant Ramen Karma

The idea, or people's understanding, of Karma is fundamentally flawed. I would say the basic definition most people understand would not be the formal definition of the religious principle.

The formal definition is as follows: the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existence

This is a belief that is, at least, rooted in a long storied history of ideology. The less formal is basically wishful thinking. It's pop culture's definition. It's what John Lennon famously called Instant Karma.

From Simple Dictionary: Karma (car-ma) is a word meaning the result of a person's actions as well as the actions themselves. It is a term about the cycle of cause and effect. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person, happens because they caused it with their actions.

It's the opposite of the other common idiom: No good deed goes unpunished. In this world view, if you do bad you get paid back or if you do good, you reap the rewards. Krishna said "work not for the reward." Galatians says "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we." Both are very clear. You will not be paid back on Earth for any good that you do. In fact, you most likely will be punished for it. After all, Jesus said "A prophet is honored everywhere except in his own hometown and among his relatives and his own family."

And don't be confused. That is about your hometown and your tribe. People will hate you if you do good even amongst your own people. I try to provide examples from different teachings to illustrate that these truths can be found all throughout the history of thought.

But consider this, has your good deed gone unpunished? When you push, does the world push back? Is there a constant swing of the pendulum keeping everything balanced. Bad cancels out good, good cancels out bad? There is a lot of talk about us living in a relatively complex computer simulation. Now, I don't really believe that, but I do enjoy the thought exercise it encourages. If we were, indeed, in a simulation, why might the idea of the universe pushing back happen? Because you can't escape your programming. You are trapped in a pattern of events and reactions and it's nearly impossible to push out of that. You have your place and the universe pushes back when you push it. That would be Instant Karma only the good also gets an opposite reaction. Call it balance, unfortunately, the status quo means a lot of misery and suffering.

Who is define the good? Maybe that's a reason for The Balance. Maybe there is no definition of "good" like the theme song for the 1980s Gary Coleman (RIP) vehicle says "Now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum, What might be right for you, may not be right for some." There are some evils you'd think that we could agree on, but watch the line as it moves depending on ideology. You'd think police hitting fleeing women in their heads, pushing 75-year-old men and covering their identities would be evil. But The Balance says, for as many people who believe that's wrong, others are seemingly totally cool with it. The Balance, man. The Balance.

I worked with a militant atheist at a radio station a while back. She wasn't on-air, but worked in the office. I don't remember the basis for this story, but I remember our short conversation afterwards. Something bad happened to somebody that she deemed deserved it and she was roaring about how "karma got him!"—You already know that Karma (capital K) means how your actions effect your next life, so let's assume she's using the lowercase karma.

I tried to stay silent but the goaded me into the conversation. "It's karma, Dales!. Karma." I answered "Except karma doesn't exist." Man did that piss her off. I was going to mansplain the two different concepts of karma but she wouldn't let me. She fired back "well Dick, neither does Jesus." She was very proud of herself. I simply said, "I wasn't talking about him." But, beet-faced, she stormed out of the office. It seems that Traffic Donna did have a religion after all. Her own stitched together ideas about the universe was her religion. It must be nice being able to put your faith in whatever makes you feel comfortable. But, I can't do it. I wish I could. —Dales

Guest Commentary by Dickie Donner

I've noticed something over the past few weeks that's disappointing, but not surprising. And that is the number of posts from family and friends that say things like this:

- "There is so much negativity out there!"

- "Oh, I don't can't watch the news, they're just trying to scare us."

- "Oh, I don't pay attention to politics, too upsetting..."

- And of course the most banal of all “All Lives / Blue Lives Matter”

And wouldn’t ya know it, I know for a fact that some of these people are close friends with cops.

“Hey, if a few people of color have to die for me to get out of a speeding ticket… so be it”. The same as "Oh, it's only the eldrely and blacks that die from Covid." how many are you willing to sacrifice for your own comfort? For your wallet, or to assuage your fears of people different than you.

There is a famous engraving on a tombstone at the United States Holocaust Museum: They came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up." It is a confession made in 1946 by German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemöller. You have to wonder what warning signs the people of Germany saw and ignored. How good normal people looked away because the truth was uncomfortable or would cost them financially. We see the stirrings of abuse of power, hate, racism and bully tactics and we say "it's too negative." Sooner or later, they will come for what you love.

This is cowardice. This is trying to create the appearance of action but actually saying nothing. You are part of the problem. In some cases, anger is justified, and silence only helps the bad guys. There is a saying that's being used by the people that are protesting. Silence = violence. Think about it. This goes for those of us that count ourselves as supporters as well. You must not turn away. You must not hide from the harsh reality of the now. If you love your brother, you must let it be known. You can't fear the loss of your position, your friends or your comfort. You’re not somehow above it all for pretending to be neutral.  If you are too nervous or scared to speak up because you have family or friends that are cops?  You are part of the problem. It's a fear reaction. The classic stages of remorse are:

Hope —Tormented Hope

Anxiety —Anguished Apprehension

Depression —Angst-Ridden Sadness

Denial —Confused Rejection

Pain and Guilt ­—Agonizing Self-Blame

Anger and Bargaining —Bitter Resentment

Acceptance —Practical Relief

Depression —Second Round of Sadness

Reverie and Revival —Renaissance

I believe that you saw the first three stages manifest during the early stages of the Covid pandemic. It's clear that there were many that moved into the denial phase when they started saying things like "the virus is fake news" and protesting wearing masks. No we are absolutely solidly in the stage of Anger and bargaining. The stage of bitter resentment. We are in the stage where people cover their eyes, and cover their ears. Even the Bible, which you often hear these people espousing, predicted a time like our modern time. Timothy 2 says For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
We don't believe science, we don't believe our own eyes when we see injustices happen, we don't believe the news or official reports, but we're quick to share memes full of misinformation and bigotry. 

If you are trying to play the “I like good cops and dislike bad cops!” bullshit… You’re not fooling anyone. We see you. There have been dozens of examples (within the past few weeks alone) of bad cops doing bad things, and dozens of “good” cops doing nothing to stop it. There is a systemic problem within the whole system. Remember the words of your bible: But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.

Or as the great Carl Sagan once wrote: It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring

Or as the great 20th century philosopher Eric Wright was heard to remark: But you cling on my balls when I swing my ding-a-ling, Yeah you got more just like a pint of puppy water, First I'm gonna choke ya Then I smoke ya, Then I'm gonna toss ya in the back of my trunk, With the other punk

Silence = Support. Pick a side, do the right thing. 

Thursday, June 04, 2020

Are We Really In A Simulation?

I was watching TV and thinking about Woody Guthrie's guitar ("this machine kills facists") — I was thinking about when people could bring an acoustic guitar to a protest while looking at my Epiphone Hummingbird acoustic. I glance up at the TV for a second and what do I see? The very same guitar being 'played' by some old broad in an arthritis commercial or something. The odds that I was watching TV at that time while looking at one of my guitars and then that shows up on TV, it's wild. Anyway, whatever. Suck Dicks - Dales

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

You Must Not Look Away

You Must Not Look Away

The world's on fire
and so am I
A sacrifice to economics
in broad daylight, and in the sight
of camcorders, and reporters
detractors and supporters
pelt adolecents and convolecents
who haven't learned their lesson

The world's burning
And I'm certain
between my legs is churning
with agitation, it's concerning
I'm choking,
yes I've spoken
Using the the bible as a prop
there's more dissidents than cops

You must not look away, just an hour, look away
It's only just an hour away
I know I said I would, I'd stand with you If I could
But, I admire what you're trying to say

You must not look away, 100 seconds, far away
It's only just an hour away
I went to see a fight, but a war broke out that night
I'll think of you when the clock strikes midnight

The world's on fire
A funeral pyre
Sweep up the bones and cellphones
arresting those protesting
The heart's decietful,
it is evil
Come up with a solution
monitize the revolution

The world is smoke
The world is fog
Lobsters in the fish tank
They have you in their claws
The laws are broken,
The press is frozen
fulfilling their ambitions
pacifiers in submissions,
Shit kittens

You must not look away, just an hour, look away
It's only just an hour away
I know I said I would, I'd stand with you If I could
But, I admire what you're trying to say

You must not look aways, 100 seconds, far away
It's only just an hour away
I'd stand up for what is right, but Johnny Carson's on tonight
You can see the fires from his studio apartment

It turned once
It can turn back again
Are we in 1938?

Your heart is pure
It can not take much more
Drive home slowly, drop off your date

The world's a fire,
it just took one night
Having sex on top of land mines
I took yours you can have mine
I was faking
being shaken
when you said "sorry bud, i'm taken"
You must be mistaken

The world's all wrong
Drop the atom bomb
On insurgents cause it's urgent
flush your eyes out with detergent
A token
for Minnesotans,
drop your toaster in the ocean
Or stop going through the motions

You must not look aways, just an hour look away
It's only just an hour away
The world is a mistake; the planes are painted "bombs away"
if you squint, you can read what they say

You must not look away, 100 seconds, far away
It's only just an hour away
A new virus everyday, have the last slice of birthday cake
This is what we're dying to say

You must not look away, for God's sake, you can not stay
let's all dance the horrors away
You must not look away but you're trying anyway
This is what we're dying to say

People dying is good?

You brood of vipers! How can you speak good things, when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks

Matthew 12:34

I don't want no us or them. S**t Trump Says

This designs are in the public domain. I created them and release the rights. Feel free to do with them what you will. Share, Edit, whatever. - ART Dales

The Big LIst of Police Fighting Dangerous Insurrectionists

Are you guys comfortable with this level of aggression? Take a look at some of these videos and tell me what you think. Keep in mind these are all within the last week or so. There's so many. These captions aren't my own, they're from a longer internet posting about recent events.
cops shooting at a person on their own porch
cop appearing to be enjoying himself today:
cop shooting something at guy for saying "f*** you":
cops breaking supplies for peaceful protestors:
nypd driving into protestors:
cops shoving an old dude to the ground:
police actively seeking out fights compilation:
cop driving at people aggressively on a campus:
cop shooting rubber bullets at people watching from apartment:…/…/1266633046591078400… police shooting the press with rubber bullets:
police arresting a CNN reporter:
police doing a drive-by pepper spraying
photographer being pepper sprayed:
guy with hands in the air gets his mask ripped off and pepper sprayed:
lady who was coming home with groceries who got a rubber bullet to the head:
reporter blinded by rubber bullets:
reporter describes getting tear gassed:
couple getting yanked out of their car and tased for violating curfew:
young woman gets shoved to the ground by officer:…/1266540710188195843… reporter sheltering in gas station is pepper sprayed:
reporter trying to get home gets window shot out:
cops come at a guy for filming a police car burning:
photographer arrested:
Columbus police assaulting protestors:
congresswoman sprayed with pepper spray during protest:
7 protesters fired on with rubber bullets:
cops pepper spraying a group of protestors without provocation
young child allegedly pepper sprayed:
horse tramples young woman, police investigating:…/watch-video-captures-momen…/
cop pushes protestor with his bike Reuters reporters detail being shot at with rubber bullets:
Denver PD pushing reporter into a fire
Denver PD shooting at a couple in a car after learning pregnant woman is in the car “Light them up” for standing in their porch
Rioter gets slammed into a fence by a garbage receptacle by fellow rioters
Kentucky cops shooting a news crew with pepper bullets
News reporter gets arrested for nothing
Cop pepper spraying protesters while driving by
Cops shoots protester for no reason twice
Police hunting down journalist and pepper spraying him while his head is on the ground
Police pulling down black man’s mask to pepper spray him with his hands up
Police pulling black family FROM THEIR CAR by breaking the windshield, cutting the tires, and using mace and tasers
Bike cop runs into some guy from behind and then assaults him
Covering up badge numbers
Cop opens car door at speed to hit a protester as they pass
Pack of police pepper spray a couple random pedestrians, and then spray into the open window of a guy who witnessed it in his own home
Another cop using their vehicle as a deadly weapon
Police drag off man for... walking

-Big Dick Dales