Sunday, May 03, 2020

Commentator says: "You don't know what hard is like" RE: Covid-19

Hey Dunn,

I know it's been a while since we talked, but I'm here now and that's all that matters. I have no reason to explain myself as to where I've been, but the current state of affairs with this Covid-19 novel coronavirus has me wanting to mop up some of the foolishness.

I received a message from a confidant, It read like this:

I hope it really gets really bad. there's no shortages, no food lines, unemployment without $600/w compensation, no $1200/pp stimuli, no oil or electric shortages, no limits of human births, no denying hospital treatment, lack of medication.. lack of Internet, lack of cell phones, lack or church or bibles or youtube... live for one day in Saudi Arabia or Iran.. or even just somewhere poor like Jamaica. They would literally die. they couldn't handle it. they are so selfish and overfed and soft. these, the people that have been bitching about millenialls for 20 years are the biggest most coddled sacks of monkey piss

I don't know why that's all red. I don't understand these 2020 Web sites. I'm much more comfortable in the time when YouTube only allowed 10 mins of video and no-one gave away their SSN and mother's maiden names on Fakeblock.

I can't agree with the sclhübb that he/she/gnc wants things to get worse. In this old reporter's notebook, I don't want to see any more loss of life. But, What do you think of the rest of his/her/gnc's thoughts? That Americans don't know what real suffering is like. People's complaints read like a child wrote them. "I deserve my freedom" "no dick-taters" "open Michigan" — But for this old reporter's pennies, I haven't seen a lot of actual loss. I'm old enough to remember lines for gasoline and actual food shortages. I'm old enough to remember the draft. I'm old enough to remember when people could still come together in the face of adversity and not crumble like so many pages of old pulp. For Heavensake's, Dunn, You were alive for September 11th, 2001. People came together then. In this climate, they'd be armed at the airport demanding to get on Flight 305. So, Dickie, what say you? Are these people just a buncha spoiled children? They need to talk to their grandpappies about what life was like during WWII? During Vietnam? Heck even during the Watts riots and Rodney King trials?

What say you Dunn? What say you everybody?

x Art Dales.


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